Safe Your Heart with Handful Nuts

Image result for almond

Bye for junk food,
a welcome handful of nuts on diet.

Almonds are rich with nutrient. (According to the USDA Nutrient Database [1], it is a rich source of energy, fibre, protein, and a number of essential vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.) 

These wholesome nuts do vary towards your health.

   Image result for almond benefits

How to consume
soak almond to remove its skin as it contains phytic acid
1) Soaked 7-8 almonds can be eaten raw
2) Add on your milk would give complete breakfast meals
3) Replace cookies topping with almond chunks
4) Sprinkle some powdered almond on your mixed vegetables much healthier
5) seasoned with almond powder in a mixed fruit salad.

It is really beneficial for your heart.

Magnesium in almonds may help circumvent heart attacks.
*reduce the presence and impact of C-reactive proteins (CRP) which causes artery-damaging inflammation. 
*Great source of folic acid reduces the level of homocysteine, which contributes to fatty plaque buildup in arteries.
Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition (Blomhoff R, Carlsen MH), which identified several nuts among plant foods with the highest total antioxidant content, suggests nut's high antioxidant.
