Curry Leaves VS Diabetes
Have we realized our moms or any cooking maniacs mainly those love to cook curries have been using this as an appetizer or as a flavor enhancer? Do these magical herbs just to be placed as decorations on foods only? Believe it or not, it actually has its ability to cut down blood sugar level in each individual.

  1. have it in the early morning(diabetic patient)
  2. can have it as a side dish with the meal(curry + pudina paste)
  3. garnish with fried meals 

A good glycemic control is the cornerstone in diabetes management. In the present study both Murraya koeinigii and Olea europaea leaves exhibited anti-hyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effects(Kesari N, Gupta RK and Watal G (2004). Hypoglycemic effects of Murraya koenigii on normal and alloxan- diabetic rabbits. J. Ethnopharmacol., 97: 247-251.)

Sadly we’re rarely consume these and even refuse to eat whenever in curries.
We should change the habit. Let’s go for good eating practices. It’s not late to start better than never.
